Friday, March 9, 2012

'Stay With It' Engineering

The President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness is partnering with academia and corporate members in driving initiatives aimed at yielding 10,000 more engineering graduates in the United States each year. The program is focused on increasing the retention and graduation rates of students, like yourself, who are currently enrolled in engineering disciplines. We’re driving a broad student outreach campaign focused on connecting you to peers and experienced engineers, showing how engineering changes our world in both big and small ways – and how you can too! 

This campaign, Stay With It, will provide you with access to valuable resources and a national online community that will help you to “Stay With It,” graduate, and start a successful career in engineering.

We invite you to join the Stay With It program. “Like” the Facebook page, and begin now to build a network of fellow student engineers, tap into the experiences of others, and share your own experiences - Why do you want to be an engineer? What does it take to succeed? Engineering school can be difficult, but with a community of support, it can become a little easier. Join us today!