Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kalu Yala Independent Study Abroad and Entrepreneurial Internships

Kalu Yala is a sustainable community that will be built in the mountains about 45 minutes outside Panama City, Panama. Kalu Yala Entrepreneurial Internship programs take place in 3 venues: creating the town's foundation in Kalu Yala; creating relationships in the neighboring town of San Miguel; and working on business logistics in Panama City. Since Summer 2010, we've had students from 16 countries, 44 states, and 132 colleges.


Agriculture and Animal Science based in Kalu Yala
Biology based in Kalu Yala
Business Development and Entrepreneurship based in Panama City
Community Outreach and Education based in San Miguel
Farm to Table Culinary Arts based in Kalu Yala
Heath and Wellness based in San Miguel
Outdoor Recreation based in Kalu Yala

Interns are encouraged to come up with and implement their own semester project. Some interns choose to do solo projects while others work in groups to make their dream a reality. Along the way, our Program Directors are always happy to help them plan and lend a helping hand.

All student projects can be seen on our website. A few past projects are:

  • Designing and building an outdoor recreation park with low ropes course, hillside amphitheater, stage, putt-putt golf course, and volleyball court
  • Multisite water testing followed by water purification feasibility study (both for Kalu Yala and the neighboring town of San Miguel which currently does not have potable water)
  • Designing, planting and taking care of 3-acre permaculture farm with the aid of permaculture expert Stephen Brooks.
  • In-house aquaponics gardening system in our 5th floor apartment in Panama City

Working to build a truly sustainable community, Kalu Yala is based around new urbanism architecture, organic food, wellness, recreation, education, preservation, and conservation of the natural environment. Kalu Yala is located in the rainforest highlands of Central Panama in a 7,000-acre valley that backs up to the Chagres National Park. The internship program allows students and young professionals to come to Panama and gain cultural exposure, work experience, and knowledge in order to create a project that will ultimately help shape this sustainable community.
Upcoming semester dates:
Summer: May 19th- August 1st
Fall: September 1st- November 14th
Spring 2015: January 12th- April 3rd
Students can apply online by filling in the application form here or email for more information. Our staff is happy to assist students who wish to acquire academic credit and speaking Spanish is not required! We also can work with students on payment plans and seeking financial assistance.