Are you interested in learning more about the food industry? Or maybe planning on having a career in a related field? Apply today for the AFA Food Institute held in Chicago, Ill February 9-11th. AFA will be selecting up to 75 passionate, talented and committed students who are future leaders in the industry to take part in the first ever Food Institute. Applications are due on December 2nd and can be found at
You may be wondering why you should attend the AFA Food Institute?
1. Networking: At the AFA Food Institute you will network with other highly talented students interested in the food industry from across the nation. Not only that, but you will also get to interact with recognized leader in the food industry. From year to year, you will continue to work with these individuals.
2. Industry Tours: During the institute, one day will be committed to you learning the scope of careers within the food industry. This means you will interact with professionals all across the sector. From processing and marketing to production and safety and regulation you will see a broad scope!
3. Soft Skill development: While networking is important, so are the skills to do the job. At the AFA Food Institute, they will take time to help train you in just a few of the important soft skills you’ll use as a professional in the industry.
4. The AFA High: There is no way you can leave the Institute without being excited about agriculture and the future. AFA helps you define your future goals and hone your skills. When you go back to campus, you will be able to make more meaning of why you are on campus – whether you are in class or in a club meeting.
If you would like to attend the AFA Food Institute, you should apply through the online application. AFA’s industry partners will cover your registration, lodging and meals during the Institute. The only thing you will have to cover is your travel, but talk to me about carpooling or resources from our campus. Learn more and apply at Applications are due on December 2nd!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or reach out to Derek Mulhern with AFA at
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