Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Field and Fork Farm and Garden Internship-(0-3 credit options available; limited work study/ paid positions offered as available)

The Field and Fork Farm and Garden Internship is an opportunity for a very broad spectrum of students to practice skills and ideas learned in classes and gain exposure to new skills and ideas. A productive, healthy, and successful farm requires an enormous array of skills. A farm is the meeting place of marketing, communications, business management, accounting, soil science, ecology, chemistry, biology, natural resource management, entomology, plant pathology, education, nutrition, food safety, and social justice. This internship is for any student that wants to better understand where food comes from, how to grow it sustainably, and how to work as a team to achieve our goals.

Field and Fork Interns will work with the manager to do a wide spectrum of tasks that are integral to starting and running a working farm and maintaining a large existing garden. Specific tasks will vary weekly and will be determined by the real and ever-changing needs of the farm and garden. Interns will gain practical, hands-on experience in many of the primary categories of farming and gardening: weed management, soil care, plant health, water management, planting, harvesting, and post-harvest handling.

For a more complete description and an application contact Robin Snyder at