The Agriculture Future of America student leaders have selected the theme “Soar: Reach New Heights” for the 2017 AFA Leaders Conference.
This year’s event will be Nov. 2-5 in Kansas City, Missouri. College students are selected to attend this 4-Track Conference program through a competitive application process.
Industry sponsorship applications are now open to students pursuing careers in agriculture and food. Sponsorship covers program registration, curriculum materials, lodging and meals. Travel is not included. Applications for Tracks 1-3 are due Sept. 11. To learn more about Conference, or to access the application, visit
Student application eligibility requirements:
Recommended 3.0 GPA or higher
Undergraduate student status
Age 17-25
Attending a four-year institution or articulate plans to obtain a four-year degree
Possess a passion for agriculture
Plans to pursue a career in agriculture
This year, AFA will select 800 students from across the nation to attend Conference. Delegates gain valuable experience and relationships through opportunities to network with each other and industry professionals. Conference boasts a 3:1 student to industry professional ratio. The AFA Opportunity Fair, held in conjunction with Conference, allows students to explore internship, job, study abroad and graduate school opportunities.
Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
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