The SRF Postbaccalaureate Fellowship Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Like SRF’s Summer Scholars Program, the goal of the Postbaccalaureate Fellowship Program will be to prepare participants for a career in regenerative medicine research. Under the guidance of a scientific mentor, each Fellow will take control of his or her own research project. Research projects offered will vary from year to year. Check the SRF Postbaccalaureate Fellowship Program homepage for the precise projects available this year. Training will also include writing assignments that will improve each Fellow’s ability to generate grant proposals, abstracts, and other scientific reports.
Paid positions are available at:
• Buck Institute for Research on Aging
• Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine
• SRF Research Center
• The Scripps Research Institute
The online application and full descriptions of each research project can be found at Completed applications will be accepted until NOON PST Monday, May 21, 2018 (12 pm PST 5/21/18).
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