December 10 | 9-11 a.m. | CALS Collaboration Room (MCCD 2025)
You've worked hard! As you finish out the semester, stop by the CALS Collaboration Room for doughnuts and coffee the first day of exam week. Remember that the CALS Collaboration Room is a study resource space for you from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday every semester. CALS students can utilize this space for group project work or individual study.
All AOM and BE students are welcome to stop by!
Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
At Nebraska, our Summer Research Program offers students an excellent opportunity to hone research skills and to experience life as a gradu...
Feb. 23 | 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | CALS Collaboration Room (McCarty D 2025) Join the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences as we welcom...
At Operation Groundswell, we give students the tools to create meaningful change in the communities you call home. We’ll connect you with i...