We are interested in at least one intern and possibly two with varying responsibilities within the nursery. In three words a description would be General Nursery Help. The position(s) are available to begin immediately.
We are a specialty rose nursery offering heritage roses, including species, antique and old garden roses. Our collection exceeds 1k varieties. We are growers, retailers, mail order nursery along with having a venue where we host presentations and garden parties. We have two locations within a 6 mile radius where the interns may be asked to work. Both positions would not exceed 20 hrs. a week.
The primary reason for the internship would be to maintain the stock at our retail location at 16918 SW 15th Ave., Newberry, FL 32669 (which is really Jonesville). However, we have so many other facets that need attention at both locations.
We pay a fair hourly wage and give the intern the ability to be flexible in their work schedule after the initial introduction of responsibilities and "how to's". We are a no-spray nursery. All of the work would be out of doors. Restrooms are located in both locations. The internship could result in a regular part time position. Honesty, integrity and a commitment to our passion of growing rare and in many cases endangered roses is needed. Anything less is simply not an option. Please contact email us, roses@rosepetalsnursery.com
Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
At Nebraska, our Summer Research Program offers students an excellent opportunity to hone research skills and to experience life as a gradu...
Feb. 23 | 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | CALS Collaboration Room (McCarty D 2025) Join the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences as we welcom...
At Operation Groundswell, we give students the tools to create meaningful change in the communities you call home. We’ll connect you with i...