I am looking for a M.S. level graduate student to start either in the Spring or Summer of 2020. I have been funded through a GA NRCS CIG project to do evaluations and refinement of some of the major pivot manufacturing companies scheduling softwares. The funding in particular is focused on the Lindsay FieldNet System, but will probably include Valley's system too. In short, we have been testing the Lindsay system on cotton and peanut and are at the point of working with them on adapting these models to SE climate and growing conditions. The student can either be Engineering or Ag.
Lindsay Irrigation Company has shown interest in providing student support of this project also. I would say that this would be a good opportunity for a student to work in the field, work with some farmers, and make some very good industry connections.
Wesley M. Porter, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Extension Precision Ag and Irrigation Specialist
University of Georgia
Crop and Soil Sciences Department
229-386-7328 (Office)
Twitter: @WesleyMPorter
Facebook: @GeorgiaPrecisionAg
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