Popular Music Ensemble - MUN 2800 (25344)
Thursdays, Periods 10-11 (5:10 pm -7:05 pm)
MUB 121 (Orchestra Room)
Spring 2020 (1 credit)
Why do you hear new sounds each time you listen to the same song? What gives country music its “twang”? What’s that drum machine sound which immediately makes us think, “90’s hip hop”?
The Popular Music Ensemble explores popular music from all genres coming up with informed and creative ways of answering these questions through performance.
The ensemble is open to all musicians: drummers, rappers, horn and wind players, bassists, those experienced with programming/sequencers/sythns, vocalists, keyboard players, guitarists, strings, etc.
This is a new ensemble offered in the School of Music and is open to all UF students.
If interested, please contact Jason Mullen: jasonmullen@ufl.edu
Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
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