NASA DEVELOP is under the Capacity Building Program within NASA’s Applied Sciences Program. NASA DEVELOP conducts feasibility research projects which use NASA satellite data to answer current environmental questions for our partner organizations while providing opportunities for professional and personal growth for our participants. Each year we have three "terms" that consist of 10 intense weeks of research and analysis that is conducted by a team of current students (undergraduate or graduate), recent graduates (undergraduate or graduate), and early/transitioning career professionals. Teams partner with professional organizations, offering unique opportunities for networking with these partners as well as with NASA scientists and advisors. Projects fall into one or two of the eight National Application areas, and are team led providing participants the opportunity to grow their leadership, professional, and technical skill sets. Many focuses of study can benefit from the program as they cultivate professional skills while they learn how to use GIS and remote sensing techniques. In the past, we have had successful applicants from a number of fields, such as Geography, History, Biology, Computer Science, Earth System Science, Anthropology, and Political Science.
Responsibilities will include: literature review, data processing and analysis, and production of creative and written deliverables, such as a technical report, presentation, and video. Previous GIS or remote sensing knowledge, while beneficial, is not required for acceptance. This is a multi-disciplinary opportunity for all those interested in Earth science.
Applicants must have excellent verbal and written communication skills and be able to work in a fast-paced, highly collaborative environment. Days of the week are flexible, but applicants should be able to commit to 20 – 29 hours per week during the spring term. The position is paid on an hourly basis that is determined by education level and location of work.
Details about this opportunity and how to apply can be found online at The 2021 spring position application window is open online from now through October 9th, with the term starting January 25th and lasting through April 2nd. We also have fall and summer opportunities available. This opportunity will be conducted entirely remotely during the spring term due to the pandemic.
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