Opportunity to Participate in Research study: Comprehensive Support for STEM Students with Learning DisabiIity ( CS3LD)
STUDENTS wanted:
We are looking for students who are:
• UF Undergraduates
• Enrolled (or intending to enroll) in STEM or SBE classes or track STEM =Science, Technology, Engineering, Math SBE =Social, Behavioral, Economic sciences
• Have a learning disability (e.g., specific learning disability, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder)
• Registered with U F Disability Resource Center
What's involved?
• Receive two years of individual mentorship from a graduate student in your field or related major
• Meet monthly with researchers and other mentees to discuss topics related to Learning Disability (LD), and
Work with other undergraduates with LD on projects designed to educate and raise understanding of LD
• Compensation available for your participation in this project
For information please contact:
Mary Anne Steinberg, PhD
352-273-6023 or masteinberg@phhp.edu.ufl
Department of Occupational Therapy
Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
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