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Monday, March 20, 2017
Noah’s March for a Cure 5K
Noah, a 10-year-old with type 1 diabetes, is marching 4,000 miles across the United States to raise funds and awareness for type 1 diabetes. Noah is coming to Gainesville in 6 days, and he needs your help to achieve his goal of eliminating type 1 diabetes. Will you help him?
Noah’s March for a Cure 5K will take place at the University of Florida THIS Sunday, March 26. Proceeds from the event will benefit diabetes research at the UF Diabetes Institute.
Both walkers and runners are welcome to participate in the fun run. Join Noah’s March Foundation for a post-race party after the 5K. For more information about the event, visit or email Gina Aulisio at
5K Registration. Register now at to support diabetes research!
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