Job Description: The selected applicant will oversee hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to produce culvert-failure risk estimates. This work involves:
- Communication with Cornell and NYDEC staff to manage project timelines and deliverables
- Run existing ArcGIS and Python based flood risk tools to produce risk estimates
- Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) of flood risk predictionsEvaluation of the model code to improve the conceptual design of software
- Modification of the model code to implement identified and requested changes
- Manage seasonal students to identify and make improvements to model code
- Management of large geospatial datasets
- Develop novel research concepts and work towards publishing results in a collaborative environment
- Training in field data collection for culvert hydraulics and aquatic organism passage using the NAACC protocols (
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Computer Science, Applied Math, or related field
- Experience with ESRI ArcGIS or other GIS platforms (GRASS, SAGA, Q-GIS)
- Some familiarity with software programming/coding