Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2019-2020 University Scholars Program Applications

Undergraduate students from any college who wish to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (this includes the School of Forest Resources and Conservation and School of Natural Resources and Environment) are eligible to compete for the University Scholars Program, although preference is given to students in the college working with faculty in CALS. Students should complete the University Scholars’ Program Application and submit to the CALS Dean’s office (McCarty D 2020) by Friday, February 8.

A CALS student who wishes to work with a faculty member in a college outside of CALS, MUST apply in the college of the faculty and not in CALS. Each award is a $1750 student stipend for the supervised research, disbursed in two payments (Sept and May). Students and faculty mentors will be notified of their selection by March 11, 2019.

Students who would like to apply to an opportunity in the HWCOE should follow these instructions:

1) Apply online

2) Search database of undergraduate research projects (not all faculty have posted their positions online), contact and apply directly to faculty, secure a position

3) Ask confirmed faculty mentors to nominate you to engineering administration for a University Scholars position

Please let us know if you have any questions at jnunez@eng.ufl.edu or mikenaz@eng.ufl.edu