Monday, December 7, 2020

Study abroad in Cuba!

The application is open for UF in Cuba: Tropical Marine and Island Ecology (FAS4932/6932 - Summer A 2021). Its an amazing experience that combines learning about tropical marine and terrestrial ecology with the backdrop of AMAZING people and places! You will be fully immersed in the history, culture, ecology, and flavor of Cuba! We’ll travel from the big city of Havana to small villages, historic towns, remote mountains, and pristine seas.

The attached flyer and brochure give you the basic information and costs. We are finalizing the details of the itinerary and budget now, but it will be ~ $3,000 for the program (includes 4 credits, all accommodations, coach bus transportation, boat trips, entry fees, and meals - except for 2 dinners). Its really quite a deal considering all that we do over the two week course!

Please email one of us if you have any questions or would like to meet and chat about the course.

There are sections for undergraduate and graduate students, but only 12 spots total!

Don Behringer
Damian Adams