The Southeast Energy Development (SEED) Fellowship is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) program under the IBSS project. The SEED Fellows will work in a multidisciplinary team for 10 weeks during summer (May 25-July 31) and will be assigned real-world problems that could include either research or field deployment challenges in feedstock production, feedstock logistics, conversion, or markets and distribution of biofuels.
Participants will have an opportunity to work and visit national energy laboratories, biomass production and harvesting sites and liquid fuels production plants during the program. SEED fellows will also present their work at the ASABE national meeting which will be held in New Orleans. There will be a stipend of $5,000 available plus housing, meal and travel allowances.
Application Deadline: November 21, 2014
Applicants should contact to Dr. Sushil Adhikari via email ( to get an application and more information about SEED Fellowship. Interested students should complete the 2-page application and submit it to Dr. Adhikari along with 1 or 2 page CV and two reference letters (reference letters can be submitted by the referees to Dr. Adhikari directly or it should be submitted in sealed envelope).
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