The NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium is pleased to announce its 2016-17 student and faculty programs.
1. FSGC Masters Fellowship Program
$10000 stipend for 1 year to Masters students enrolled in a FSGC-affiliated universities (Have to be US citizens; permanent residents are not eligible)
2. Dissertation and Thesis Improvement Fellowship
These $5000 awards are intended to provide supplemental funds for items not normally available from the student’s university or other sources. Funds cannot be used for salaries or tuition. (Have to be US citizens; permanent residents are not eligible)
3. Florida Space Research Program (FSRP)
Seed funding for space related Research projects (up to $25K)
4. 2016 FSGC/SF- KSC Technology Development Program
FSGC/Space Florida-KSC Technology Development and Commercialization Program RFP has topic areas for two KSC patented technologies. We are now seeking proposals to conduct testing as described in the topic areas (Aerofoam and Lighting System to Improve Circadian Rhythm Control)
All these programs can also be accessed from the main FSGC web page
For any inquiries about the programs, please email<> or<>
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