Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Now Hiring! Zero Waste Stadium Interns
This opportunity is for two paid internships supporting the Zero Waste
Stadium goal for the 2016 Football Season. The goal of the internship is
to expand the existing composting and recycling program and increase
waste diversion in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium and to consider ways to
expand the program to other athletic events. The interns will be
responsible for implementing policies and procedures surrounding the
sustainability initiatives for football games and special events. For
more information and to apply, visit our website here.
At Nebraska, our Summer Research Program offers students an excellent opportunity to hone research skills and to experience life as a gradu...
Feb. 23 | 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | CALS Collaboration Room (McCarty D 2025) Join the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences as we welcom...
At Operation Groundswell, we give students the tools to create meaningful change in the communities you call home. We’ll connect you with i...