The communication of science is a critical skill for all scientists. Unlike other scientific communication classes which concentrate on the organization and mechanics of how to how to tell a story, in this class we will focus on bringing out one’s unique, individual characteristics in order to reveal their capacity for genuine communication. We will learn acting and improvisation techniques from the Sanford Meisner method and the Upright Citizen’s Brigade to enhance our verbal and non-verbal abilities to communicate science authentically.
This is an experimental course that integrates theatre techniques to improve scientific communication. The seminar (1 credit hour) will involve exploring how we can introduce concepts, processes, and knowledge from the theatre arts and apply them to the effective communication of science. The seminar will require students to immerse themselves in the principles of Method acting and improvisation techniques.
Scholarships, awards, internships, meetings and other opportunities for BE and AOM students in the UF-ABE Department.
Monday, August 15, 2016
At Nebraska, our Summer Research Program offers students an excellent opportunity to hone research skills and to experience life as a gradu...
Feb. 23 | 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | CALS Collaboration Room (McCarty D 2025) Join the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences as we welcom...
At Operation Groundswell, we give students the tools to create meaningful change in the communities you call home. We’ll connect you with i...