Wednesday, January 17, 2018

2018-2019 University Scholars Program Application Open

Applications are due to the CALS Dean’s office by Feb. 9. Students should complete the University Scholars’ Program Application here and submit to the Dean's office.

Undergraduate students from any college who wish to conduct research with a faculty member in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences are eligible to compete for this award although preference is given to students in the college working with faculty in CALS.

A total of 20 awards will be given to students with CALS faculty mentors. A CALS student who wishes to work with a faculty member in a college outside of CALS, MUST apply in the college of the faculty and not in CALS. Each award is a $1,750 student stipend for the supervised research, disbursed in two payments (Sept and May). The faculty mentor will also receive $500 that can be used for travel or other research-related needs.

The college will choose the student research projects from all applications submitted based on the following criteria: sound background and justification, clear objective(s), and sound methodology and approach. Students and faculty mentors will be notified of their selection at the end of February.