Out for Undergrad (O4U) Engineering Conference (all at 11:59 PM PST)
Round 1 Deadline: March 28, 2021
Round 2 Deadline: May 2, 2021
Round 3 Deadline: June 6, 2021
The Out for Undergrad Engineering Conference will be held virtually from September 9th to September 12th. It should be noted that this conference is geared towards serving students that identify as LGBTQ+ and plan on pursuing a career in engineering, whether it be industry or academia. We have waived our registration fee, making the conference free to attend for students. We are committed to ensuring all admitted students can attend our programming, especially in our new virtual format.
Here is a little more about the conference:
• Out for Undergrad is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization designed to help high-achieving LGBTQ undergrads reach their full potential.
• LGBTQ+ engineering students will have the opportunity to discuss being out in the engineering industry and hear from professionals who are out in their careers.
• Students will network with LGBTQ+ peers and professionals from top engineering companies from a wide range of industries across the country.
• Students will have the opportunity to find LGBTQ+ mentors in their field.
• Sponsoring companies will recruit students for jobs and internships at the career fair and throughout the conference.
• Apply here! https://outforundergrad.typeform.com/to/IuQVhf66
• For more information, check out the conference website: Out for Undergrad Engineering Conference
If you have any questions or concerns about the O4U Engineering Conference, please feel free to e-mail the O4U Engineering Admissions Team at engineering2021.admissions@outforundergrad.org.
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