The AFA Crop Science Institute is open to all undergraduate college students pursuing agriculture related careers. This Institute allows students to explore career opportunities within the crop science sector, network with industry leaders and build relationships with other agriculture students from across the country.
Here is a quick glance at the AFA Crop Science Institute experience. Schedule is subject to change.
Day 1
• Welcome and Orientation
• Kickoff Speaker: State of the Crop Science Industry
• Executive Discussions
• Industry Reception
• Dinner with Executives and Industry Guests
• Tour Preparation and Reflection
• Student Networking Activity
Day 2
• Industry and Farm Tours
• Tour Debrief and Reflection
• Student Dinner
Day 3
• Partner Breakfast
• Career Roundtable - Careers in the Crop and Soil Science Industry
• Industry Innovation Station
• Final Reflection
Apply Now for the AFA Crop Science Institute
Application deadline is April 7, 2021
Once selected to attend an Institute, the only cost to the student is travel. AFA and its partners cover hotel, meals and event material costs.
AFA is continuing to monitor state and federal guidelines related to COVID-19. At this time, we are planning the AFA Crop Science Institute as an in-person event.
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