Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Biofuels and Bioproducts from Lignocellulosic Biomass REU

The research experience for undergraduates (REU) site at Auburn University will target undergraduate participants from universities, four-year institutions and community colleges where research experience is limited. The REU site will include a diverse group of students including females and minorities. The primary objective of this project is to expose participants to different research techniques, scientific hypotheses testing and experimental design, data collection, analysis, and presentation in an engaging, interdisciplinary atmosphere that fosters a strong interest in bioenergy field. REU participants will be paired with faculty mentors to work in laboratories on research focused on converting biomass to biofuels and bioproducts.

Program Dates: May 20-July 26, 2013

Applicants should be rising sophomore and junior undergraduate students that are interested in biofuels and bioproducts processes. Underrepresented minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Stipend: $4,500/summer (10 weeks) + housing and meals + Travel Allowances ($400 maximum)

Application Deadline: February 15, 2013

Applicants should contact to Dr. Sushil Adhikari via email (sza0016@auburn.edu) to get more information about REU Fellowship or visit http://www.eng.auburn.edu/bsen/research/reu1/index.html