Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mississippi State University's Undergraduate Apprenticeship Program

Greetings! Mississippi State University (MSU) is pleased to offer several undergraduate apprenticeship opportunities for qualified juniors and seniors through the MSU Extension Undergraduate Apprenticeship Program in 2020. Each apprenticeship offers an integrated research and outreach experience, in which the student will work directly with a faculty mentor to assist with ongoing research and help develop a related educational product or process that successfully translates that research into relevant outreach to key stakeholders.

Students will receive a $400/week stipend (for 10 weeks), plus job-related travel expenses. It is up to the student’s home institution whether the student will receive college credit for the summer semester.

Specific information about each apprenticeship opportunity and an online application are available at http://extension.msstate.edu/apprentice. The application deadline is 11:59PM (CST), February 14, 2020.