Monday, February 17, 2020

B.I.G. Summer 2020 at UCLA - Final Deadline 3/1/20

This 8-week program (June 22 - August 14, 2020) combines workshops in big data analysis with research experiences in diverse areas of quantitative and computational biosciences. Supported by grants from NSF, NIH, and the University of California we can again provide up to 50 student fellowships and on-campus housing. Previous participants raved about the skills acquired, their research experience, the academic community and network. 

Criteria for admission are a passion for biological or biomedical research, some background in quantitative reasoning, math, stats or equivalent, and an interest to contribute to the diversity and inclusive climate of the UCLA academic research community.  Members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. We would also like to emphasize that students may bring their research projects and thus function as catalysts for collaborations between their primary research faculty (at their own institution) and specific UCLA faculty.