Tuesday, September 8, 2020

CWC Open House for students

The Counseling & Wellness Center (CWC) is excited to announce two Virtual Open House opportunities coming up for students and staff! We encourage you to share this opportunity broadly with students and colleagues.

Students and staff are encouraged to Zoom-in on September 14th or September 18th, anytime between 12:00 - 2:00 pm. CWC providers will highlight various services and resources available to support students and staff in attending to mental health (see attached schedule of presentation topics & times).

Attendees may join by RSVP:

September 14, 2020: bit.ly/ufcwcvirtualopenhouse
September 18, 2020: bit.ly/ufcwcvirtualopenhouse2

Please contact Dr. Rosa West if you have any questions or curiosities...