Tuesday, February 2, 2021

NASA DEVELOP info webinars

We are hosting virtual “About DEVELOP” webinars on Wednesday, February 3rd @ 1 pm ET and Thursday, February 4th @ 11 am ET in an effort to provide information about our capacity building program and how potential and interested candidates can apply and participate in the program.

We have 11 U.S. locations at NASA centers and regional collegiate locations. The goal of our virtual webinars is to not only provide program information to potential candidates, but to also generate discussion with those students outside of virtual platforms, such as Handshake and social media. We would like to learn more about our potential future candidates and provide them with the resources they need to be to successfully apply to NASA DEVELOP.

Wednesday, February 3rd @ 1:00pm ET
To attend this webinar, click here: https://bit.ly/3nKnwQy
Dial in using your phone: (256) 715-9946 PIN: 821 222 744


Thursday, February 4th, @ 11:00am ET
To attend this webinar, click here: https://bit.ly/3qoEXrk
Dial in using your phone: (256) 715-9946 PIN: 782 666 790