Wednesday, February 18, 2015

BioEnergy and Sustainability School- application deadline Monday, February 23rd, 2015

The BioEnergy and Sustainability School (BESS) provides quality research experiences for motivated undergraduate students at the University of Florida. Research experiences focus on developing critical sustainability thinking skills in a hands-on multidisciplinary environment. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, one-on-one mentoring, independent and team research projects, as well as field excursions, undergraduate interns gain practical research experiences not typically found in the undergraduate career. BESS interns contribute in meaningful ways to active research projects in the BioEnergy and Sustainable Technology Laboratory. Exposing undergraduates to such active research experiences encourages the recruitment of highly talented individuals for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research areas within the University of Florida.

Location: BioEnergy and Sustainable Technology Laboratory (Bldg. 246)

Dates: May-August, 2015 (Summer C)

Contact: Dr. Ann C. Wilkie
BioEnergy and Sustainable Technology Laboratory
Soil and Water Science Department
Tel: (352) 392-8699