Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Theta Tau Info Session

Attention all engineering majors,

Looking for a way to get involved in the College of Engineering and to socialize and network with other engineering majors? Rush Theta Tau!

Theta Tau is a Professional Co-Ed Engineering Fraternity that is selective and exclusive to the Engineering majors at UF. Many of our brothers have gotten internships, co-ops, and full time jobs with companies such as GE, P&G, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Tesla, SpaceX and many more. Many of those positions were obtained by networking with brothers within the fraternity

We are hosting 10 rush events starting Wednesday, January 8th, with an information session to learn more about our fraternity and to meet brothers! There will also be FREE PIZZA (vegetarian options included too).

Check the flyer for complete details of the events. You can also check us out at our tabling booth in the North Lawn of the Reitz!
Attached are the links to our social media groups:
· Remind 101: Text @thetatausp to 81010
· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UF-Theta-Tau-Spring-2020-Rush-109391967238990/
· Website: http://ufthetatau.org/rush.php
Come check us out, see you there!