Wednesday, February 27, 2019

ABE Poster competition and Undergraduate Research Poster Preparation Session

Students, remember that ABE will have a poster symposium on March 13th where you can win money for the best Undergraduate Poster. You must register by March 6th. Contact Shannon Noble for a registration form. preparation here is a great session on how to design a poster. I encourage you to attend!

If you are an undergraduate student who wants to present your research but have never created a scientific poster, please join us to learn the elements of effective posters and applicable tools. You will an opportunity to create your own poster during the workshop.

We ask that you bring a laptop to get the most out of the session. Keep in mind you can present your poster this spring at the Undergraduate Research Symposium:…/undergraduate-research-sympos…/

We welcome all undergraduate students regardless of research and/or poster experience!
Please register here for the workshop: