Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Internships - Moss and Associates - Solar Projects

Students...interested in the Solar Industry? A former AOM graduate interned for Moss & Associates constructing a solar power plant in North Florida. With no formal experience/education in the construction industry outside of related topics from LEED Lab, this was a great foot-in-the-door experience and led to full-time employment as a Project Engineer (entry level project management position). The company's solar division is rapidly growing with many new projects starting up in Florida and across the United States ranging up to 300MW. 

Moss is looking for interns interested in both the operations side (project management route) and the field side (superintendent route) of solar projects for this fall (still a few spots left to fill), and both Spring and Summer of 2021. If are you are interested in developing a career in construction management/utility-scale solar, please connect them with Dylan. He will be happy to answer any questions and pass on resumes. 

Dylan Siegel
Project Engineer
Cell: 770-490-9277