Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Virtual Student Federal Service Program - Internships Offered

If you are looking for an intern program this will be a great experience for your resume from the State Department. Some of these opportunities are very interesting and are being hosted virtually in the Southern Region.

All about VSFS
Are you a student looking for a way to make a real difference in the work of your government, while also gaining job experience and connections?

Through the Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) program, students can work on projects that advance the work of government on multiple fronts. Projects include helping counter violent extremism, strengthening human rights monitoring, developing virtual programs, engaging in digital communications, mapping, economic and political reporting, data analysis, graphic design, and app building.

No more nine to five
VSFS is accommodating and flexible. Through VSFS, students can intern from wherever they are – from dorm rooms to libraries to coffee shops, or anywhere in the world with a broadband or Internet connection. Students set their own schedules too – working on projects on a timetable that fits their life.

Through VSFS, students can also choose projects from a wide variety of agencies – more than 40 federal agencies. Through VSFS, federal employees connect with students from diverse backgrounds and skills, as well as with their colleagues across government.

How it works
Each year, federal employees submit project requests between May 1 and June 10. U.S. students apply to their top three VSFS projects from July 1-31 on VSFS supervisors review applications between August 1-31 and may contact VSFS candidates for a virtual interview. As part of the interview, candidates may be asked to show examples of their expertise and work. All candidates will hear by early September if they have been offered a position.

Selected eInterns work on their projects for ten hours a week from September through May. Some eInterns work their academic institutions to receive course credit for their VSFS participation.

For more details, please visit the Student and Mentor FAQ sections.

The VSFS program went live last week and students should now start applying. Students can search the State Department’s Virtual Student Federal Service Program.

Some of the other forests are engaging this program in the Southern Region. Links to those positions are below:
Virtual Native American excavations: Conduct archaeological investigations online!
Create a path forward: Archaeological educational design for history buffs and communicators!
Explore and create National Forests in North Carolina maps to engage the public!
Join 21st Century Archaeology: Use Technology as a Trowel!
Be among the plants, virtually - support the National Forests in North Carolina botany program!

Students enrolled in this upcoming academic year apply for these virtual volunteer internships through USAJobs.