Thursday, November 13, 2014

Spring Break Study Abroad in Costa Rica

 Feb 28 - March 7, 2015

 ALS4404/5905: International Studies 3 UF GPA credits

This is an eight-day program to Costa Rica during spring break to study eco-tourism and recreation. You will learn about tropical ecosystems and environmentally based development in one of the most beautiful Latin American countries. You will visit places in Costa Rica most tourists never get to see. You will also learn about eco-tourism, cultural history, and the food production industry. The program is open to all UF students but specifically designed for students who have natural resource or agricultural-related majors.

While in Costa Rica, you will stay in hotels, lodges, and research stations.

You will travel throughout the week, experiencing a variety of different ecosystems, communicates, and econo­mies. Tours of natural areas, national parks, farms, and dairies will be important parts of the excursions. Previous trip highlights have included horseback riding on the continental divide; bat trapping; visiting food production facilities, national parks, local farms, and rural communities; hiking through biological reserves near volcanoes, tropical rain forests, an oil palm plantation, and eco-friendly food production sites.

For pricing and additional information contact Andrea Kim at

Application Deadline is December 12th!